Trough of disillusionment

I was told this would happen. I just didn’t know when or how it would come about. I think I’ve officially hit the “trough of disillusionment.” I’m having an off week..It started after a small mugging incident I had last Saturday. Thankfully nothing happened, I am OK and even got to keep all of my stuff. However, I feel a bit trapped due to the violence and criminal activity here in San Miguel. I know that what I am doing here is more important than any other work I could be doing at home. But yes, I miss my fiance, Sunday night football, and hearing my dog snore. The prospect of being trapped for the next 3 months due to safety concerns isn’t very uplifting.

During our week of training, the Kiva Fellows Program team told us about this very moment I am going through. The moment when everything was going to look dark and sad, and we would just wake up one day and say – “what the heck am I doing here?!” But I am not throwing the towel. I am seeing great progress here at Fundacion Campo, how we’ve gone from zero to more than $17K raised on Kiva. And that’s just the beginning. I still have so many clients to meet, and lessons to learn.

Posted on September 28, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Now that you’ve said it, the emotional power of your feelings is shared and easier to handle. We’re pulling for you stateside. I spoke about you today to an Economics teacher who would love to meet you. Hang in there!

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